Explore how Codesphere helps them solve their challenges
Explore Codesphere's capabilities
Flexible Load Balancing & Auto Scaling
Easily scale up or down to maintain smooth performance even during major traffic peaks. Read our blog article on how this enables our client Female Leadership Academy to host live streaming events with thousands of peoplehere.
Add servers / databases easily
No DevOps experience required
Autoscaling replicas (coming soon)
Preview Deployments
Speed up code and feature reviews, fully integrated with Github Actions. Deploys instantly, runs only when needed. This allows you to automatically deploy any pull request to a Workspace and access it via a preview URL. This is especially helpful for review processes in larger development teams. We are using this for our teams of ~30 developers.
Faster CI (<5s to deploy)
Preview links + WebIDE
Save costs
Staging Environments & 1-Click Deployments
Set up dedicated staging environments to test updates with a few clicks. Our 1-click, zero downtime deployment is 100% reversible if something goes wrong. This enables you to explore updates more freely, nurture a culture of experimentation and innovation and ultimately help you stay ahead of any competition.
A/B test just about anything
With Codesphere you can set up different versions of your shop with a few clicks. Our hosting allows you to compare any two versions of your shop. Simply create a copy of the code base, change the desired features, and select a workspace for hosting. Codesphere will automatically distribute your users randomly. Combine that with your existing tracking or analytics to compare how each version performs. The only remaining limit to what can be tested and improved is your imagination.